Yoga “Beyond the Mat’

Yoga Mitra Mandal (registered as YogaMM) is a group of yoga students of all levels who are deeply interested in understanding and experiencing a broad range of yoga practice. In meeting regularly, we develop a feeling of community — a circle of friends joined in the study and practice of classical yoga. 

We periodically invite senior teachers to Indianapolis. The monthly meetings serve to develop our understanding of their teachings and to continually develop and refine our own personal Yoga practice.

A typical meeting consists of asana (physical postures), pranayama (breathing techniques), and meditation. Each session also focuses on a topic, including a deeper exploration of yoga fundamentals. The sharing of experience among participants is encouraged. The meetings are informal, and newcomers are very welcome. We are proud to be a diverse group, including all age groups from varied occupations who subscribe to a variety of religious beliefs. Participants leave the session with a profound experience of mind-body-spirit connection as well as a toolbox of techniques of practical value.

Ours is a common sense approach to the possibilities of this ancient tradition. We present a methodology easy to integrate into the realities of 21st century life. We open the door for students to further explore Yoga’s theoretical foundations. 

Meetings are usually held on the third Sunday of the month from 3pm to 5pm. Emails are sent in advance to save the date, followed by a reminder the week of the meeting.

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Our Schedule Until Further Notice

We are postponing the seminar by Swami Atmarupa which was originally scheduled for May 2020. We are in a strange new world with major disruptions to our normal lives.

This is a wonderful opportunity to make time to develop yoga routines, and take care of ourselves! Yoga Mitra Mandal has been offering weekly classes online. Click to see our schedule below, and email us if you would like to be included.

Yoga MM Intention

Our intention is to provide a forum where we can share insights in yoga practice, including yogic philosophy, physiology, and psychology which are the underpinnings of practice. Our view of Yoga goes far beyond mere physical practice on the mat alone. Together we explore its potential to transform our daily lives by reaching far into the recesses of our inner reality to bring a renewed energy and focus into every area of our existence.

Yoga MM Cost

Financially, we strive to be self-sustaining.  We do charge a nominal fee for seminars by senior teachers to cover their expenses. We are also supported by the generous donations of sponsors of seminars and special events. 

There is no charge for attending monthly meetings. 

Over the years our group has studied major topics in classical Yoga tradition. In addition, we have welcomed teachers in Tibetan Buddhism, Tai Chi, practical lessons on Mudra, and meditation practices from a variety of traditions. In 2013 we started an innovative 2 -year distance learning project with Swami Shankardev in Australia, combining his practice of “Core Strength, Calm Mind” with “live” sessions with him online.  

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Alka Kapur, MBA; MS

Alka has a been practicing Yoga for 22+ years, and has taught yoga for 20. She usually leads the monthly Yoga meetings for our group.

She has 4 certificates in Yoga Studies, and received Teacher Training certification .from the Atma Center in Cleveland,  This is an accredited program of the prestigious Bihar School of Yoga, known internationally for the high quality of their teachings and publications. A lifelong student, she has attended numerous classes in advanced Yoga techniques.

She has personally experienced the wide-ranging benefits of regular Yoga practice. It has brought healing, emotional balance and perspective which have transformed her own life. She is devoted to teaching students its enormous benefits for health, well-being and harmony and its relevance to their own lives "Beyond the Mat".